Was the Order founded by the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius?
As far as we know, Marcus Aurelius did not found any chivalric order, however, we are inspired by his philosophy and actions. We consider him the embodiment of the ideal Stoic knight. The Order itself was founded in 2022 CE (2322 a Stoa condita) by Count Miklós Cseszneky under the spiritual guidance and patronage of Abbot Kaísar of the Black Eagle Stoic Monastery. We are a recently established fraternal organisation and have no claim whatsoever to any ancient fons honorum other than the chivalric traditions and historical prerogatives of the House of Cseszneky.
Who are the leaders of the Order?
The current Grand Master of the Order is our founder: His Illustrious Highness Princely Count Miklós Cseszneky, OMA, FCSP. Count Miklós Cseszneky is a Stoic prokopton and member of the Hungarian and Croatian nobility who also holds an Akan and Javanese princely title. He is supported by the Grand Commander: His Excellency Don César Avilés, OMA, FCSP. The Council is the primary governing body of the Order which deals with regular business. The members of the Council are the Grand Master (or Lieutenant), the Grand Commander and other High Officers.
In which countries are you present?
The Order has several emerging regional and national bodies:
- Grand Priory of the British Isles
- Grand Priory of Germanic Europe
- Grand Priory of Spain and Portugal
- Grand Priory of the Carpathian Basin (Hungarian-speaking)
- Grand Priory of Croatia and Slovenia
- Grand Priory of Georgia and Armenia
- Grand Priory of the USA
- Grand Priory of Central America
- Grand Priory of Puerto Rico
- Grand Priory of the Dominican Republic
- Grand Priory of Asia-Pacific
What are you actually doing?
Apart from defending and promoting Stoic ideas and chivalric traditions through ceremonies, conferences, lobbying and educational initiatives, we try and help our fellow citizens of the Cosmos wherever and whenever we can. During our brief existence, we have supported local educational and charitable projects for disadvantaged children and families in the United Kingdom, Nicaragua, Uganda, Ghana, Indonesia, Israel, Transylvania and Hungary. We also run ad hoc schemes for Ukrainian, Cuban, Nicaraguan and Venezuelan refugees, and for victims of terrorism.
How can I become a member of the Order?
Normally, new members are invited upon the recommendation of existing members, and you cannot apply for membership. However, in the early stages of our organisational development the Grand Master and the Council might consider individual applications if they are supported by strong evidence about the applicant’s character and Stoic practice. In order to become a candidate you must be at least 21 years old and a practising Stoic for at least 3 years. Candidates must also pay an application and initiation fee. In exceptional circumstances, the Grand Master might waive some of these requirements, and he may also appoint honorary members.
How can I prove that I have been a practising Stoic for 3 years?
There are many possible ways to do so. For instance, being listed on the Stoic Registry, having studied at the College of Stoic Philosophers or Escuela de Estoicos, having been a recipient of the Count Miklós Cseszneky Scholarship for Stoic Studies, or being a member of the Stoic Fellowship or the Black Eagle Stoic Monastery.
What are the obligations of the members?
The knights of the Order of Marcus Aurelius must uphold the Stoic ideals, embody the cardinal virtues, and pursue the path of the prokopton according to their own nature and individual circumstances. They must not bring the Order into disrepute and must not betray Stoic principles. Given that we are primarily a charitable entity, they must also pay their dues. The knights are also encouraged to personally take part in our activities directed at helping those who are affected by non-preferred indifferents, such as illness, poverty, persecution, exile, etc.
I am a member of a religious community, can I be a Stoic knight?
Unlike some other chivalric organisations, the Order of Marcus Aurelius is a philosophical rather than a religious order. Therefore, you can practise any religion so long as it does not go against basic Stoic principles.
What is the difference between Stoic monks and Stoic knights?
Both monks and knights are committed practitioners of Stoic philosophy, but they follow two different paths. They represent two equally important sides of the same coin, like the passive principle (matter) and the active principle (pneuma) in Stoic natural philosophy. The monks of the Stoic Monastery have a quieter, more inward-looking practice, whereas the knights of Marcus Aurelius have a more outward-looking approach, taking a more active role in the outside world. Knights, if left no alternative, will not shun the fight, with words or otherwise, in order to defend virtue and resist tyranny. (Just think of Cato the Younger or the Stoic Opposition in ancient Rome.) There are prokoptons who can successfully walk both paths, being monks and knights at the same time. (Historically, the first knights were basically warrior monks.) Whereas others, according to their own nature, prefer one path to the other.
Can I leave the Order after becoming a knight?
Making a promise as a Stoic knight should be a very serious and carefully considered personal decision. You make a lifelong commitment to practising the Stoic virtues and upholding chivalric ideals. That said, you are free to leave if you feel that our path is no longer your path. You might also be expelled from the Order if you do not fulfil your obligations, disobey the Grand Master in chivalric matters, repeatedly and/or publicly attack the Order or bring it into disrepute, or dishonour Stoic principles in any other way.